Family car
My fiance and I finally decided to finance our first new vehicle after we got tired of repairs on our 05 sonata. We also wanted a very safe car since we now have a 2 year old.
This car has been great. Not only is it super comfortable and practical, but its so safe! The safety features are endless in this car. Also the material on the seats is SOO easy to clean.. and anyone with a toddle will appreciate that.
The infotainment center had many cool features, but nothing overly complicated. The car is simple and easy to learn to use, but still contains top of the line technology.
We have taken this car on multiple road trips since We got it and it is incredibly comfortable.
We have had no mechanical issues yet.
The performance is pretty great considering the size of the engine. And I love how a family SE model sedan has a sport mode... thats also fun to play with, but its not too quick.
I love the clean design of the body. It feels like a $40-50k luxury sedan, but really its a $14k hyundai, which brings me to my final point, the over all value. For what this car is, the price is definitely reasonable. Perfect for my first family vehicle.