Gettel Hyundai Of Charlotte County will show you the highest quality repair and maintenance for your vehicle. Gettel Hyundai Of Charlotte County will show you the highest quality repair and maintenance for your vehicle.
Thank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeGood morning, thank you for your recent service visit and your remarks. I looked at your paperwork and it appears that we recommended a couple of tires that were in the 3/32 range going by the remarks on the repair order. Guidlines say that tires should start being recommended when they are worn down to the 4/32 range and are actually unsafe when they reach below 2/32. If that is not the case with your tires I would certainly like to look at them so I can address that issue as well. I absolutely will not tolerate not anyone here selling work that is not needed. Mistakes happen but I certainly do not condone trying to rip anyone off. I do apologize for the brake pad issue, I see that you had a maintenance policy that paid for your brakes which is awesome. We don't see many of those policies so unfortunately we ususally don't look for that unless like you said we are told by the customer that they have that agreement. I do though see how that could be frustrating to you. I certainly value your feed back and would certainly like to dig deeper into your tire situation to see if in fact we did overrecommend something. For your inconvenience, I would like to offer you your next oil change on me. Hyundai not only grades us by your original survey but they also grade me on what the call concern resolution and how I deal with our customers concerns. If there is anyway you would be willing to rescore me with 5 stars I would greatly appreciate it. I do appreciate your care about your concerns and appreciate your business. I will also get with our maintenace people to check on the temperature in waiting area. Have a great day and please let me know about the tires.
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeGood afternoon, thank you for your service visit and the opportunity to be your service provider. I certainly apologize for the issues you had with your vehicle and hope the repairs that we made have taken care of your issues. As we discussed, I have sent you a rescore request and would be very appreciative if you could rate me with 5 stars if your concerns have been resolved to your satisfaction. As always, We appreciate your business-have a great day.
Mike McdadeGood afternoon, As I said on the phone, I certainly apologize for what you are going through with your vehicle and understand your frustration. I believe you have multiple issues going on-the repairs that we made were parts that were actually damaged but there is obviously more going on as you are still having the warning lights come on intermittently. There is nothing more difficult to diagnose as an intermittent problem as proven by the unable to duplicate any concerns by the other dealer you went to. When you get back in town let me know and we will see if we can help with the issue-hopefully it will start to come on more often or stay on so it will be easier to figure out. Have a safe trip home. I have sent you the rescore request as we have discussed. Thank you
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike McdadeThank you for your positive feedback. We strive to make each visit a 5 star visit. We truly appreciate your business !!
Mike Mcdade